Monday, March 16, 2009

I fell in love with the moment

I fell in love with the moment

And was in love with missing that moment
Looking at people walk into the distance
Missing missing missing
Desperate and lonely
Still looking and straining my eyes
For you ..


Always hustling jerking and working
Always lazy serious and asleep
After pain that increased day by day
I fell in love with the moment
And now I
Hey Don’t look back
Its not there
Don’t gaze forward
Its not there
Its in the moment
That kiss
That beat
That touch
That comfort
That honesty
That moment
Tired after a long day?
Or do you pulse with anticipation for
that next second
That next time
The truth will be revealed
and the masks come off
you see the dance
and laugh with love
in the moment
I fell in love with the moment