Sunday, June 05, 2011


I lived in the docks of the sick and forgotten
as I was my fathers companion on his last trip
I was interrupted by a voice, it was me
This voice so crisp, it's contrast was balanced
Greys fell away, and the end was as close but normalcy was regained
I never knew a pain like this before, I must admit
But, Me called out and and asked I to play
To share in what people do and makes them happy
Im a binary bot, with rusted joints however
I had been leading the fight for so long, this was it's yang
I played my flute for thousands to later sleep in small chairs
awakened every few hours by calls to reference
to calibrate or recalibrate this ship resting at its final ports
Later when the curtains closed they fell on me
I could barely see, I was tired of driving
walking, moving my purpose slipped from mind
heart, and soul yet my only reflection
I kept looking ahead to clear a path for this wobbly boat
made of haste but bonded by love greater then my understanding
Time passed I met several who I held so close we was my thought
but me called again and I was happy to abide
that call brought back my purpose once draped by those curtains
On went this journey of fantasy and fiction
at its base was a pain and we enjoyed the friction
Childish it might have been, so we could be safe again
to feel to smile to dance for a while, or a day
and a day, no more nights
just more time

It could not be dragged out any longer for its time was over
The port authority called and it was time to steady the sails
of that young boat ready for a gust of wind
I never forgot my duties or my role
I carried it in my heart my soul
between me, and I, was it, making the soul drip
holding open my eyes making me quick to criticize
Changing the plans Ive know from when I was young led by old
It will never make me, nor make me well
Shook the globe and made the snow swell
and change the tides on every shore
I looked and I didn't know me anymore
It changed right to left
and up to down
took my smile in exchange for a frown
and my heart, it tried to stop my heart from beating
So I say to me, We tried to make a treaty
but you cannot bargain for hearts and souls
you cannot love with silver and gold
I hope you understand my words
I hope you understand

I am returning to port, time to guide the ships again