Thursday, August 25, 2005

There There

In pitch dark I go walking in your landscape
Broken branches trip me as I speak
Just cos you feel it doesn't mean it's there
Just cos you feel it doesn't mean it's there

There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck (don't reach
out, don't reach out
There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck (don't reach
out, don't reach out

Stay away from these rocks we'd be a walking disaster (don't
reach out, don't reach out
Stay away from these rocks we'd be a walking disaster (don't
reach out, don't reach out

Just cos you feel it doesn't mean it's there (there's someone on
your shoulder
Just cos you feel it doesn't mean it's there (there's someone on
your shoulder

Feel it
Why so green
And lonely
And lonely
Heaven sent you
To me
To me
We are accidents waiting
Waiting to happen
We are accidents waiting
Waiting to happen

Monday, August 22, 2005


I found this on post secret, I guess I stumbled on it. I have sometimes in my life held in thoughts and later wondered if I should have told that person. Possibly your just not meant to say anything if the words don't make a space in your conversation. It might not be about courage It might just be about fate.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Black Man

Black man
We should not sleep any longer
Time has passed but the movement hasn’t
Why do we pacify ourselves?
Why do we sedate our fears in smoke?
And liquor?
Are we pavement?
Stepping stones?
Do you really believe in these things?
Cars? Gold?
Do you think you Midas touch will take you to heavan?
Or make heavan of earth?
I was lost in my days
And my nights
Pushed into madness
Pain and emptiness
Tired of my false smiles and hollow laughs
Without culture
And little faith
No drug took me away long enough
No love pushed my heart
I have seen jealousy and hate
From men and women
Stabbed in the back and the chest
But I stand tall as a Muslim
As a Black man
Nothing can hold me down
I refuse to let ignorance blind me any longer
Will you?
Black man
Don’t ignore your pulse as it races
Feeling life again
So long you have denied your self freedom
And justice
That God gave you!
God! Not Man!
Move within his path
And not your desires
Because desires will leave you empty
As a corpse
Without a soul
Organize your life
And refuse to taste iron
Because of your transgressions
Don’t let the blood and bone of your people!
Vanish to fertilize the plants
Of those who don’t know or care about your interests

Sometimes we need a wake up call; this is not only for the black man it is for all men; all men who have felt economic and political depression. It is for any family whos lost someone for a cause that you didn't believe in. We're made to look to the dollar to satisfy our needs, yet we will find none. Stop laying down and do something, I’m not talking about guns or hurting anyone. I’m talking about teaching someone something, volunteering some time at a homeless shelter. You can vote, and know who and what you’re voting about. Kiss your children and tell them how much you love them, then take them to the park. Do something you only live once.

How much is you life worth?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


We are constantly surrounded by the need to love
To be
To set ourselves into the completion of Nature
Man and woman
Woman and man
In marriage and community
The creation of life by the combination of two forces
God is the Greatest
Some days we are blinded by the ego
Our mind
Our will
But humility will give the blind sight
By the grace of God
And by That grace alone
The Most compassionate
The Most Merciful
Throughout your life you will meet
Maybes, ifs, could of been, and almost
Because you have not realized what you are
What is expected of you?
And how to attain what is promised
We fall outside of these gifts
When we move in our own accord
Not considering the implications of our movements
We merely hurt ourselves
Nature is God
We have Nature
Move within your Nature and Live!

Just mostly awake

If when we go to heavan we lose our desires, than how do we want to see the people we knew on earth?

Just wondering, this question might be due to the fact that I saw Alexander last night and I contmplated death. I want to know why no one int the movie store warned me! I didn't even get a "Hey, you might not like this" or "Where's your rainbow?". I had no idea that this was going to be a multisexual adventure, just a little much for me.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I officially have writer’s blog, I cannot think coherently so I'm just going to ramble until I get to somewhere I feel I can stop. Usually when I post something I either write it and then cut it and paste into WORD and fix, or I take it from word after writing it and paste it. I cannot spell to save my life and constantly confuse words with each other. I think it has something to do with me and the fantasy world I live in. This fantasy world is highly complicated and I would need to create another blog to completely explain it. I wonder if this makes me a bad writer.

I often look at other people when I’m driving and wonder if they all think the same.

I wonder if their reality has been challenged at all, or if they are just happy where they are. I look at lots of Blogs (because I’m really busy all the time) and I wonder what makes people tick.

If everyone thought the same as me I would be completely bored, and life would have NO meaning. I wonder why some people think by eradicating people that they view as different, that life will somehow become better? If people only liked the North Pole (because of Santa Clause) and decided to eliminate the south, the world would fly out of orbit and we would no longer be hindered by gravity. This would eliminate all life on earth and release earth as a permanent member of our solar system (the Milky Way?). Please refer to picture.

The details are a little blurry but you get the picture. I'm going to leave you with some poetry so that you won't feel to down after these images.


The mind is an ovean...I and so many worlds
are rolling there, mysterious, dimly seen!
And our bodies? Our body is a cup, Floating
on the ocean; soon it will fill, and sink...
Not even one bubble will show where it went
The spirit is so near that you can't see it!
But reach for it... Don't be a jar
full of water, whose rim is always dry.
Don't be the rider who gallops all night
and never sees the horse that is beneath him.


Saturday, August 06, 2005

Nice and easy

I tend to take life a lot more relaxed now; I have come to terms with something’s. I can't change people, places or things. I enjoy life, each day and have great friends to share them with. I think that I am coming near a turning point in my life, though I'm not sure about any of the details. I just have a feeling.

Its time for me to get my mind ready for the educational beating I will receive this semester (glutton for punishment). I love school and learning, God is the Greatest! Allahu Akbar! I don't know what to do with all the blessings that I have received in life, I try to give them to everyone I meet in any way possible.

My baby is coming back home and I will no longer be a rouge parent, Alhamdulilah (thank God)! My daughter’s existence is so important in my life; I am a very lucky man.

I think I am moving past the desires and more into peace. I want things but they don't overcome my heart or life. It goes back into putting the controls we so dearly hold onto in God's hands. It is a task that is so easily said and so hard to accomplish. I feel as if I am transcending these emotions and subtly relaxing the grip that I have on the world.

I don't know where God is leading me, but I am going to enjoy the Journey!


Time can’t measure this feeling
These thoughts
Never bent into rhymes
Light curves in your warmth
And dims near you
It’s almost shy to approach
God must exist
You scream of truth in every
One of your Free radicals
All things Holy belongs to God
I am truly too human
In my expression
Butchering the page
Pasting letters
Trying to duplicate
To reflect you
I am moving
At the pace
That I know
But with

I serve my fate

I serve my fate
Steady in my soul
I walk with love
They walk with gold
Blessed to touch
A test in love
A common state
Life’s a rush
Too long to wait
There's so much time
I held an ace
I have no dimes
Who’s known a past?
I might have lost
I’ve lived the last
Life of a thought
Now I am
And we are
Life reflects
Our eyes like stars
Into a place
That no one knows
A space beyond time
Someplace our home

Only as powerful as ......

When one writes each syllable is only as strong as the intention behind the word. Many words are used but possibly the intention is lost. Words like God and love have been used over and over again with the meaning falling through the cracks. It seems as though some have lost the passion for life, love, and faith; all three inseparable from God.

Should we have to talk outside of these words to feel like there is true meaning?

With faith like a thermometer constantly going up and down, are our words not affected?

Working under the opinion that words are affected by our faith relative to the time we use them.
How does one increase faith with others?

Is it not by wanting for your brother what you want for your self?

Being a Good Samaritan?

I feel like if we truly act with love that people whether they acknowledge it, will be affected. Since communication is 80% non-verbal than we must act with the beliefs we hold in order to strengthen our reality. I mean our world our life since we are all connected be six degrees than we cannot escape the fact of our unity.

This is where we move back to the first question, when we act in love than we strengthen the intention of all the words we use. So when I say I love you I mean I love you. When I say trust in God, you can be comforted by the words because of the actions that have preceded the words. I think I’ll end here and think some more.

Communication is the most important thing to humans, without it where would we be?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Something New

I live in a fantasy world filled with my three favorite ologys: Theology, Sociology, and Philosophy. They all come together in my writing which admittedly is not that good, but I like it anyways.

Rose Colored Glasses

Destructively Beautiful
A mirror reflecting what we want to see
And what we don’t want to see
Stirring up the most fascinating thoughts
And the most horrid ideas
Images we cannot verify
By a mind and body with a soul attached by?
My dog is my cat
And my feet my hands
Silly questions and statements without concrete answers
Pointless statements
Mind boggling nonsense
Happy chaos
Dancing in the words
Another mirror
Which also, no matter how we intend
Each word means something different
To someone else
Queer, infallible, Molest
Life is to celebrate and blame
For our rose colored glasses
We keep the hamster begging for the cheese
One wonders if our little rodents will ever get any rest
Or any cheese


I am water
I’ve come to release your thirst
Clear the blood from your wounds
Soak your tired feet
Wash the days that surround you
Hold you up while you swim
Carry your boat on my back
Feed the plants in your garden
Massage the roof, closing your eyes
Splash your face and wake you up
Purify your soul from past experience
I am water

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I am a man
Not by all meanings of the word
Hoping to find comfort in the warmth of my reality
But I find none
So many satires play out my life
Some aspects have been highlighted and erased
So where do we go from here
I desire more than anyone can fulfill
Not physically but love
Where have all the romantics gone
Cast aside
A man who knows not what he does
Seems to be lost, maybe he’s trapped in emotion
Theses times are shallow
I want to fill the world with life
I have no medicine
Yet I have love
Is that not the cure?
Tapered and trimmed by a social machine
I tear and shed their shade
Replace the trimmings
Because I’m looking for the original
Inside me this shell of man is I
I beg for purity
Not in color
But in sincerity
Is that so hard?
I am a man
Not by my social or financial withholding
But because of my depth of perception and emotion