Wednesday, August 10, 2005


We are constantly surrounded by the need to love
To be
To set ourselves into the completion of Nature
Man and woman
Woman and man
In marriage and community
The creation of life by the combination of two forces
God is the Greatest
Some days we are blinded by the ego
Our mind
Our will
But humility will give the blind sight
By the grace of God
And by That grace alone
The Most compassionate
The Most Merciful
Throughout your life you will meet
Maybes, ifs, could of been, and almost
Because you have not realized what you are
What is expected of you?
And how to attain what is promised
We fall outside of these gifts
When we move in our own accord
Not considering the implications of our movements
We merely hurt ourselves
Nature is God
We have Nature
Move within your Nature and Live!

1 comment:

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Sweetie, you made it there all by yourself. :-)