Saturday, August 06, 2005

Only as powerful as ......

When one writes each syllable is only as strong as the intention behind the word. Many words are used but possibly the intention is lost. Words like God and love have been used over and over again with the meaning falling through the cracks. It seems as though some have lost the passion for life, love, and faith; all three inseparable from God.

Should we have to talk outside of these words to feel like there is true meaning?

With faith like a thermometer constantly going up and down, are our words not affected?

Working under the opinion that words are affected by our faith relative to the time we use them.
How does one increase faith with others?

Is it not by wanting for your brother what you want for your self?

Being a Good Samaritan?

I feel like if we truly act with love that people whether they acknowledge it, will be affected. Since communication is 80% non-verbal than we must act with the beliefs we hold in order to strengthen our reality. I mean our world our life since we are all connected be six degrees than we cannot escape the fact of our unity.

This is where we move back to the first question, when we act in love than we strengthen the intention of all the words we use. So when I say I love you I mean I love you. When I say trust in God, you can be comforted by the words because of the actions that have preceded the words. I think I’ll end here and think some more.

Communication is the most important thing to humans, without it where would we be?